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Create Apple Push Notification certificates for Heroku with a .pem extension

There's a lot of info out there and a lot of tutorials on how to generate Apple Push Notification certificates. Many of them ended up being dead ends or only half-worked for me so, naturally, this is my own take on it for what worked for me.

My company currently hosts our Rails app with Heroku. For hand-rolled push notifications we use the gem grocer. I haven't found any guides that where specific for Heroku so hopefully this will be helpful for someone in a similar position!

In this guide I will be using the default names of the certificate files as they are downloaded from Apple or exported from Keychain Access. Some guides rename them, but I found that confusing.

This guide assumes you're on a Mac, you have openssl installed, and you know how to move around a file system in the Terminal.

Get a SSL Certificate from Apple

First, follow the instructions in Apple's documentation to create the Push Notification Client SSL Certificates.

At the end of that guide, you should be given the option to download the newly generated certificate. Download it and the default name should be something like aps_staging.cer.

Double click the newly downloaded certificate to add it to your Keychain.

Create a Key file

Find the certificate that you just added to Keychain Access and click the small arrow to the left to open it up. A second item should be there with a key icon. Holding shift, select both items (certificate and key), right click, and select "Export 2 items…".

The default name should be Certificates.p12. Make sure you export it as a .p12 file. Save it somewhere.

Notice that .pem is grayed out in the export menu. It's so frustrating! I don't understand why it's not available.

Convert everything to pem files

Now we do the converting stuff so you can actually use it! This part uses openssl which probably came with your machine if you've got a Mac or Linux box.

Create a pem certificate from the the aps_staging.cer you got from Apple:

openssl x509 -inform der -in aps_staging.cer -out my_push_cert.pem

Now create a pem key from the Certificate.p12 you just exported from Keychain Access:

openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in Certificates.p12 -out my_push_key.encrypted.pem

Important: You will be asked for a passphrase to encrypt the key file you're creating. Do not use a blank passphrase! In the next step we will remove the encryption for the case where you don't want it.

Remove the passphrase (optional)

My gut says that removing the passphrasee is a bad thing to do, but for our particular implimentation we needed to do it.

Use openssl to convert your encrypted key file to a non-encrypted one:

openssl rsa -in my_push_key.encrypted.pem -out my_push_key.pem

Merge the certificate and key

Finally, merge the certificate and key into one happy file:

cat my_push_cert.pem my_push_key.pem > my_push_certkey.pem

If using the encrypted key use my_push_key.encrypted.pem instead of my_push_key.pem.

Test it!

You can test your staging certificate with the following:

openssl s_client \
  -connect \
  -cert my_push_certkey.pem \
  -key my_push_certkey.pem

# Or as one line:
openssl s_client -connect -cert my_push_certkey.pem -key my_push_certkey.pem

If using a production certificate, use the host instead of

If the connection remains open then it's a success! Use Ctrl + d to close the connection.

If the connection fails you will either get an error message or the connection will close immediately.